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Jakub Skyvara

Head of Food and Beverage
Sunset Marquis Hotels and Villas

Jakub Skyvara

Head of Food and Beverage
Sunset Marquis Hotels and Villas

Jakub Skyvara

Head of Food and Beverage
Sunset Marquis Hotels and Villas

Pete Marino

President of Emerging Growth

Pete Marino

President of Emerging Growth

Pete Marino

President of Emerging Growth
2019 Personalised Beauty Summit EU
30-31 Oct 2019
London, UK
There is no doubt that the future of beauty is personalised.As the millennial consumer shifts away from the ‘one size fits all’ approach, preferring to embrace products and services tailored to her individual needs.  With 77% of consumers reported to favour personalised services, it is no wonder that Beauty & Personal Care is becoming one of the most tech dominated industries in the world.From engaging consumers and building brand loyalty through data-driven product recommendations and personalised experiences, to improving speed of product development and providing direction for innovation, personalisation has the potential to completely transform the industry. The Personalised Beauty Summit will bring together leaders from both the technology and beauty industry, to showcase cutting-edge research and new technological advances. The event will explore key trends and consumer priorities and provide actionable insights to brands who are looking to incorporate digital innovations into their offerings.

Rick Calle

Head of Business Development for AI Research

Rick Calle

Head of Business Development for AI Research

Rick Calle

Head of Business Development for AI Research

Mark O’Connor

Director of Deep Learning

Mark O’Connor

Director of Deep Learning

Mark O’Connor

Director of Deep Learning

Mahesh Makhijani

VP Business Development
GrAIMatter Labs

Mahesh Makhijani

VP Business Development
GrAIMatter Labs

Mahesh Makhijani

VP Business Development
GrAIMatter Labs

Ingo Thon

Principal Key Expert Artificial Intelligence

Ingo Thon

Principal Key Expert Artificial Intelligence

Ingo Thon

Principal Key Expert Artificial Intelligence
Innovation Showcase Finalists 2020
The Digitisation of Pet Care with David Hallas
28-29 Jun 2021
Clean Beauty Connect is the leading network driving innovation in beauty and personal care towards a cleaner, more transparent industry. This summit provides the platform for brands to collaborate with innovation leaders, uniting the industry in its sustainability mission.The market value of clean beauty is expected to grow by $20 billion dollars before 2027 and the onset of the pandemic has made health and safety paramount, with clean formulations becoming table stakes.However, safety of ingredients is no longer enough for the conscious consumer with 60% looking to buy from socially and environmentally responsible companies. In such a fast-evolving industry, it is imperative brands meet those demands to gain the competitive edge.We are the established platform bringing together brands and innovation leaders to share their expertise and allow you to meet your sustainability goals. Join this event to gain the knowledge and connections to ensure your company’s next step in becoming clean in 2021.