Vikas Chandra
Vikas Chandra is Director of AI Research at Facebook where he leads the On-device AI research focusing on AR and VR products. Prior to Facebook, he was Director of Applied Machine Learning at Arm Inc. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He held the positions of Visiting Scholar (2011 – 2014) and Visiting Faculty (2016 - 2017) in the EE department at Stanford University. He has authored 70+ research publications and is an inventor on 40+ US and international patents. Dr. Chandra received the ACM-SIGDA Technical Leadership Award in 2009 and was invited to the 2017 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the National Academy of Engineering. He is a senior member of IEEE.

Vera Serdiukova

Satya Nitta

Miro Salem
Miro Salem is the founder 3TEN8, an Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning platform that helps engineers to predict and diagnose degradations and outages on wireless networks. Miro started his career in telecommunications on the engineering side for some of the largest mobile network providers, including Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon. During his time as an RF Engineer at Erriccson, Miro discovered the vastly inefficient and outdated processes for network operations, which led to the founding of 3TEN8. Miro graduated from the University at Texas Dallas with a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering.

Marcellino Gemelli

Ganesh Harinath

Denis Gudovskiy

Darryl Weatherspoon

Christos Kolias

Bryton Shang
Bryton Shang is the founder and CEO of Aquabyte, a Silicon Valley and Norway-based venture-backed company applying machine learning and computer vision to aquaculture fish farming for biomass estimation, sea lice counting, and feed optimization and formulation. Bryton was named to the 2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 in Manufacturing & Industry.
Graduating at the top of his engineering class at Princeton University, Bryton has led several venture-backed startups. Bryton built deep learning algorithms to diagnose cancer as CTO of HistoWiz, a biotechnology firm. He also co-founded iQ License, a brand licensing platform, and Nikao Investments, an algorithmic trading firm.